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Out of the following, what would you most rather see more of the following on this blog:

Thursday, July 29, 2010

What a crazy mixed-up summer.

Was I ready for the Summer?
Well,  yes and no.  The trips were overwhelmingly great, and I met many, many amazing people, but coming back home and trying to deal with everyday life is a total fucking drag.  When I'm on the road, there's always something just around the bend waiting to surprise me, and I live for that.  I met a girl named Summer, and we really connect, but the problem is that she has an un-official engagement (no ring) with a soldier stationed in Iraq.  I want to be with her, but that's impossible; I'm not Jody & she would feel guilt beyond belief.  Last night, she tried to passive aggressively hand me off to her friend, Mary.  Mary is an adorable redhead and I think I could really have a LOT of fun with her, but she lives in D.C., which is a part of the country that I've done pretty much all I can do (as far as I know),   Now, I'm looking at Boulder, CO & Los Angeles, CA.  Perhaps Norfolk, VA.  Sounds like a random group of choices, but I'll expound upon them later.  Right now, I just wish the world would open it's eyes, hearts , and minds to medical cannabis.  There's no harm in allowing those who suffer get a little relief from their pain.
Phletch OUT.